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multi-biometric identification solution, AFIS, AFPIS, AMBIS, BioREiD, Trishul.
(for Identity Management and Background check of Suspects & Convicts)
Indigenously developed (Make in India) tool for empowering investigation agencies.. The use of Multi-Bio-metrics takes advantages of the capabilities of each bio-metric technology while overcoming the limitations of a single technology.
It is State Level “Multi-Biometric Exchange” based on Hybrid Multi-Modal Biometric Data Repository cum Identification (BioREiD) Technology” including Integration with CCTNS & NCRB-NAFIS
Technology & Solution...

Use Case
To speed-up the criminal/suspect/offender identification it is must to create and adopt a technology for acquisition (repository) and matching (identification) based on many more biometric traits like, Palmprint, iris, Facial, Footprint & Voice along with traditional fingerprint. Technology is based on Repository & Identification of Hybrid Multi-Modal Biometric data, can be nick named as “BioREiD”. The hybrid multi-modal biometric data is a unique biometric data identifier of a person wherein in a single packet all the biometric traits (multi-modal) like Fingerprint, Palmprint, Facial, Footprint & Voice is kept in string for easy access and integration with third-party and niche application. The use of Multi-Modal Biometrics takes advantages of the capabilities of each biometric technology while overcoming the limitations of a single technology.
State level Automated Multi-Biometric Identification System for Criminal & Suspect Identification.
Value addition in CCTNS projects, which needs fast Identification and Background Check, i.e. e-FIR, Police Arrangements, Crowded places etc.
Identification of suspects on the move, through Mobile (MDT) devices.
Identification & Identity Management of Jail Inmates in Jail and Inmate Movements like court presentations etc.
Fast identification of suspects in Traffic , Narcotics, Raids etc.

Solution Architecture
The entire solution is Client-Server based architecture. The entire system can broadly be classified into following three major components:
BioREiD Application Software – for Enrolling, processing, communicating, matching, archiving, reporting & printing the hybrid multi-biometric data & demographic data like Fingerprints (Plain & Rolled), Palmprints, Footprints, Facial Mug-Shot, Iris & Voice.
Biometric Acquisition Devices- Multi-modal biometric data acquisition/enrolment devices.
Supporting IT infrastructure - servers, computers, networking etc. Normally State Data Centre /CCTNS Data centre is used for porting the application software